On May 24th, a big comeback for the match race of the Law Firm Gobbi Negro Piazza & Partners SpA. This is an event open to beginners and enthusiasts which this year sees the participation of 10 boats. The goal is to offer participants a moment of conviviality and an opportunity to break away from the daily routine, thanks to an event that combines sports, nature, and networking in a pleasant, comfortable setting, away from daily commitments and desks. “It’s an exciting experience,” emphasize the organizers, “that should truly become a Team Building event in every respect.”

Gobbi Match race 1


The initiative is the result of the interesting initiative by the law firm Gobbi Negro Piazza & Partners Spa and the strong synergies it has established with prestigious Italian companies. These are companies from diverse sectors that, within the strategic territorial triangle of Rome-Savona-Milan where the firm operates, share working relationships with the lawyers from Savona.

Among the partners: Dogma Spa, by Amico&Co; Hi-Lab insurance broker; Rigat&Avidano woodworking; V Marine luxury yachting; Nitage communication agency; Azimut Investments; Gino Albarello Sas, woodworking machinery.